I spent an amazing day on Saturday surrounded by amazing women, learning this amazing group fitness class that I am so excited to add to my tool box. POUND Fit!!! Another love of my life, it seems. So infectious.
For those of you not familiar with POUND Fit, I strongly suggest you check out their website and learn about this Rock Out Work out. Seriously so much fun.
I learned about POUND Fit when I started taking a class at V-Fit P.R.O. Solutions earlier this year. I completely fell in love with it. So much fun!!! So what do I do when I discover something I love, I have to learn more about it and eventually I have to become a PRO, as they call themselves.
Absolutely amazing. The company itself has a core value system that I can really support and really get behind. To say I am excited about these classes is an understatement.

It has no even been 48 hours (yesterday I was doing another clinics as well, busy busy me) and I have already create my first complete set list and am thrilled to be offering it this September. Some great choreography involved in this and super secret squats, which is fantastic, because we should sneak those squats in whenever we can.
Let;s get ready for this Rock Out Work, cardio jam sessions. If you love music, if you love drums and beats, this is totally the way you should spend forty-five minutes. Check out my calendar for a class that fits with your schedule, and check out V-Fit P.R.O. calendar for the evening class.
See you there,